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Click on the images to purchase the books on Amazon. Some are out of print but they are usually available via various on-line booksellers.  

Candy Cane Lane 

Plastic 'blowmold' lawn decorations find themselves in an unexpected adventure. This was inspired by my family's only lawn decoration, a choirboy my mother bought with Top Value trading stamps in the mid 1960s.  Simon and Schuster, 2016.

If you'd like it autographed, I will happily send you free of charge a self-adhesive bookplate you can place in your book. 

Which Way to Witch School? 

Miss Thornapple welcomes studious young witches to her school every year.   It's a well-rounded curriculum that includes theatre, mathematics and music, but always with a magical bent.  Available in hardback, paperback and Kindle.  Harper-Collins, 2012

Farm-Fresh Cats 

Ray and Norma live on an average little farm, but one morning they discover their field has sprouted an extraordinary crop of green cats from who knows where.  As of this date, the Kindle is still available, though the hardbound copies are out of print.   Harper-Collins, 2006

The Little Skyscraper 

With the passing of time, an Art Deco skyscraper gradually feels neglected and unappreciated until his value is rediscovered by an enthusiastic young architect.  Out of print but hardback copies are still available by used book sellers. As befits a book about a skyscraper, this is an oversized book, measuring 7.4" x 14.9". Executed in gouache.   Price, Stern and Sloan, 2001

Isaac the Ice Cream Truck

As a mere ice cream truck, Isaac feels unimportant compared to the big trucks who do great tasks.  But one day he finds that he can be very useful indeed.  Though out of print, used copies are still being sold by used book sellers.  Executed in Prismacolor colored pencils. Henry Holt, 1999

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